"The Field of Forsaken Dreams" completed

billkeast's picture

The more of images of the rural Ontario that I knew as a kid that I paint, the more I come to view myself as a Romantic. Often I find myself thinking of the likes of Millet who romanticized images of rural France in the 19th century at a time when European life was changing dramatically as the world entered the Industrial Age. He sought a return to simpler times that appeared to be easier to cope with and that seemed to have stronger personal and societal values. I often wonder if many of us today are not seeking the same in the face of instantaneous news of disasters, global outsourcing of jobs, genetic modification of foods, climate change , etc. etc. etc.

Now when I see fields of very old farming implements rusting away, my thoughts immediately go to the hopes and dreams that were tied into acquiring such machines. They looked to make their lives easier and more productive with these innovations. If only they had know where that pursuit was to lead mankind.