billkeast's blog

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"Golden Days" is ready for The Artist Project

In the face of rapid urban expansion, climate change and overwhelming changes in technology, I feel sorry for those among us who have never really experienced the joy of a simple walk along forested lanes at the height of the fall colour season. Living in largely rural areas of southern Ontario, I was always enchanted by those few days when the colour spectacle was at its peak. Those canopies of colour left one awestruck. As always I have reduced the multiplicity of details to decorative patterns in the belief that this heightens the impact.

billkeast's picture

"Winter Spectacle"

I have always viewed my world in terms of pattern and colour, reducing the massive amounts of detail to simple structures. While I know that it eliminates many of the delicate transitions of light and colour, emphasizing the patterns and flattening the colours is so appealing. "Winter Spectacle" fulfils just about every goal I want to achieve in my work.

billkeast's picture

"Enchanted Evening" is finished.

When I was a kid winters were considerably more severe, especially in the Owen Sound area where I spent some time. I still remember the delicious feeling of being snug inside while a storm raged outside or, as in the case of "Enchanted Evening" had made travel briefly impossible. Despite the fact that there are fewer bad storms today, that feeling persists and I really believe it is part of our "Northern" psyche. My whole goal with this painting was to capture this feeling of warmth on a cold winter evening.
